Instruments of the Symphony. A Sporclers Guide to the Orchestra. 10 Trombone Pickup Lines Ideas Pick Up Lines Trombone Lines But others consider those instruments as too mainstream. . Parts of the Grand Piano. However other sizes are available such as a 1 2 or 3 4 which serve to accommodate a players height and hand sizeThese sizes do not reflect the size relative to a full size or 4 4 bass. The Yaybahar is a new electric-free totally acoustic instrument. Here is a list with some of the most unusual music instruments ever created including some you probably never heard of before. You Might Also Like. Its hard to be a leader as the new kid on the team. A 1 2 bass is not half the length of a 4 4 bass but is only about 15 smaller. The SAG-AFTRA Foundations Daytime Emmy nominated Storyline Online features celebrated actors including Viola Davis Kristen Bell Chris Pine Lily Tomlin Wanda Sykes Kevin Costner Jame...